Bingo Lottery

How to Play Bingo: From Historic Halls to Digital Dabbing

Bingo, an age-old game, has managed to remain a beloved pastime, continuously evolving to suit the tastes of each generation. Modern iterations, including those at esteemed platforms like, allow players to experience this classic game with newfound convenience and excitement. Let’s trace the journey of Bingo from its historic origins to the digital lobbies of today.

History of Bingo

Bingo’s roots stretch far back into history. The game’s earliest version is believed to have emerged in Italy during the 16th century, known as “Il Gioco del Lotto d’Italia.” This Italian lottery-style game then journeyed to France and other parts of Europe, gradually transforming and picking up elements of what we recognize as Bingo today. By the time it reached the shores of America in the early 20th century, Bingo had taken on its familiar format. Used initially as a church fundraiser, its popularity skyrocketed, setting the stage for the game’s eventual digital evolution.

How to Play Bingo?

  1. Get Your Bingo Card: Whether you’re playing online or offline, the first step is acquiring a Bingo card. This card showcases a grid filled with numbers.
  2. Number Announcement: Randomly selected numbers are announced by a caller or, in online platforms, displayed on the screen.
  3. Mark the Numbers: Players check their cards for the announced number. If present, they mark or ‘dab’ it. Online versions often come with an auto-dab feature.
  4. Claim Your Win: Upon marking off a specific pattern or line, players can claim their win, shouting “Bingo!” or, in the online scenario, pressing a button.

Bingo Rules

Although Bingo is relatively straightforward, adhering to specific rules ensures fair play:

  1. Individual Play: Each Bingo card is for one player. Sharing cards isn’t allowed.
  2. Caller’s Authority: In traditional Bingo, the caller’s announced numbers are final and binding.
  3. Timely Claims: Winning patterns must be claimed before the next number announcement. Delays might invalidate the claim.
  4. Shared Wins: In instances where multiple players achieve ‘Bingo’ simultaneously, prizes may be divided amongst winners.
History of bingo

Bingo Types

Several variations of Bingo cater to different preferences:

75-Ball Bingo: Predominantly played in North America, this version features a 5×5 grid with the central square often being a free space.

90-Ball Bingo: Popular in regions like the UK and Australia, players get a 9×3 grid card and can win via one line, two lines, or a full house.

80-Ball Bingo: This online favorite uses a 4×4 grid.

30-Ball Bingo: Also termed ‘speed bingo’, it’s played on a compact 3×3 grid, ideal for quick games.

Bingo Halls vs Online Bingo

Ambience: Traditional Bingo halls buzz with a unique atmosphere – the camaraderie, the collective anticipation. Online Bingo, though different, compensates with interactive chat features and dynamic graphics.

Convenience Factor: With online Bingo, players are not bound by location or specific timings. On the other hand, traditional Bingo demands physical presence.

Game Diversity: While Bingo halls might offer a limited set of game types, online platforms, leveraging digital versatility, tend to present a wider variety of Bingo styles.

Pacing: Online Bingo can be considerably faster, thanks to features like auto-dab. Conversely, traditional Bingo flows at the pace set by the caller.


The allure of Bingo lies in its simple yet captivating nature, a game of chance and anticipation. From the bustling Bingo halls echoing with enthusiastic calls to the digital domains of platforms like BetNero Online Casino, the essence of Bingo remains unchanged. As players eagerly await their next number, one thing’s for sure: the Bingo craze is here to stay.